The purpose of this workshop was to produce a pavilion constructed with plywood sheets and using the technique of surface active structures.
Unless Specified, all images and diagrams are produced by the rest of students group and teaching assistants.
Freeform Space Structure Workshops are held for the purpose of research and practice the two areas of free form structures and computer integrated construction and design methods. This workshop tried to design and construct two different structures by examining surface active and bending active structures. At first, students have created ways to develop the form by studying the materials and understanding their behavior. Then, they have developed their designs using digital fabrication tools and produced them on a real scale. All parts of these two structures are made of Plywood with thicknesses of 3 and 6 mm and cut using digital fabric cutting machines. Then, by applying force and using the elastic properties of the materials, they are bent to their final shapes.
The Final product of this workshop is a pendant structure installed in the Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Tehran. The structure is made up of a triangular module that forms a flat U with two 90 ° angles. By bending the two ends of the U, it bends the members to form a bended triangle. The flat structure is made of these triangles. Next, by enlarging some triangles, the students attempted to create a three-dimensional form. After understanding this structure’s behavior, we tried to create an algorithm in Grasshopper to simulate the final form in digital space and determine the dimensions of each fragment to reach the final form. The entire structure is mounted on six strings of cable that hang it.